Welcome to the area of the site where I extol my virtues and stroke my ego. Luckily for you I find doing that just plain weird. Instead I'll mention some key highlights.
I'm a Unix guy. Mostly I use Slackware, but I'll live with most other Linux distribtutions just fine. BSDs are pretty fun and none of them look as pretty as MacOSX.
I'm a programmer. I'm also not half bad if I were to say so myself.
When it comes to computers, I'm all about productivity. Even if I need to learn a tool or build a system from scratch I'll put in the effort to maximize productivity. In fact, I find HTML too tedious and macro'd it away to make this site.
I'm educated. I spent a number of years over at SFU and I think I learnt a thing or two. Then again, I probably learnt the most from the active members of the CSSS.
I can be verbose. Just check out the other pages here and you'll see immediately what I mean.
If anything I consider myself not boring and really, what higher goal can one strive for?